Monday, 28 February 2011

School Bloody School.....actually it's not that bad, It's "gut" for you!

Welcome to School
Later that day, after the rain had slowed down, I finally went out to find the route to bike to my school. After an hour of taking my time and trialing different streets, I finally found my IFS school. Heading back, I stopped for a delicious schokolade gelato....mmmmmm! And it’s right by Elke’s! After I just watched the movie The 60’s and Jimi Hendrix. It is Sunday and everything is closed. Oh, I forgot to mention, on Saturday night I passed what used to be a mental hospital (asylum) in Endenich (also where I went to see The King’s Speech) of which it had been the last residence of composer Robert Schumann, after he had tried to commit suicide in the River Rhein, due to seeing and hearing voices in his head. Poor man (well, I was going to say bugger, but then I realized its meaning, and that would not fit at all....well he had contracted syphilis...)
Monday February 28: Well first of all, I would like to congratulate all winners and nominees at the 83rd Academy Awards last night; it was a good year. Well, I’m back on the school morning schedule and was I was even nice and early for my first class at IFS.  The class is pretty small, like 12 people, and from all around. I am the only Kanada/North American (and the youngest), ranging from, Indonesia, Saudi  Arabia, Yemen, Portugal, South Korea, China, UK and Greece.  Although, there is one sweet girl my age from Korea, actually sort of hit home to someone close at home, for she majors in flute in music. The teacher only speaks in German so we have to all try and understand what she’s saying, which can be quite difficult. Although, so far it has not been too difficult for me since I know I am not a complete beginner. After class and breaking back at the apartment, decided to bike to Bad Godesberg, which is more like the downtown part with more shops. Since everything is very bike happy, there is a special trail going there, which is nice and scenic. Once there, it is a little shopping area meant for only pedestrians with wonderful cobblestones. I thought I’d tease myself and go into some shops (as I cannot buy anything since coinage is very scarce on my terms, so I just have to drool, which is a real torture for me) to look at some real funky outfits which would go well to add to my wardrobe....ooooh, 210 euro for a shirt.....hmmm, well that won’t work...scrap that...I’ll just bike back now tail between my legs.  Tschus!


  1. Ahhh that's so awesome!! You must be having so much fun! And learning lots, omg! TAKE PICTURES, LADY!

  2. Dang, girl. What is the exchange for a Euro these days???
