Saturday, 12 March 2011

Keep Your Sunny Side UP!

Bonn Centrum
Wednesday March 9: Bike ride to school was good; again there were the rowers on the river. Class was good of course. After I went over to Elke’s for lunch/super, then biked back to apartment, which it was raining. Internet connection really sucks here.

Thursday  March 10: There was a little test today but no biggie. After I mailed a parcel, and then decided to head to Bonn with three Korean classmates as they were heading homewards. We stopped for lunch and I cannot believe I’d be actually saying this, but we went to Pizza Hut, but they had never heard of the place, so I just went with it. After, we parted and I went my separate way and did a little shopping and looking around. Now this is a shopping haven. I caught the train back then biked over to Elke’s and she invited me for a lovely dinner and she had my all time favourite dessert Rote Grutze, which a friend of the family used to always make when I came over.

Friday March 11: School was of coarse good. On break, a couple of us got a coffee and looked at a German information book and talked about where we would be interested to visit. After, I went back to my apartment and then after biked to Elke’s to drop something off. Then I biked back because one of my apartment mates, had invited me have some of his Chinese chicken. Ohh, that was good! During that time, I showed them my pictures of home until I wanted to go back and watch a movie. I watched The Boondock Saints, and that was incredibly good, surprising I don’t like movies with pointless gunfighting etc.
Rolandsbogan ruin

Saturday March 12:  I managed to sleep in a little bit, but my body is trained to get up early now. But then I biked to Elke’s for breakfast, and after that her and I started our

Kaa; Arp Museum
 wonderful bike ride along the Rhein, to  Bad Honnef-Rhondorf. There were so many wonderful, old buildings and the weather is so wonderful today; almost 20 degrees! We even passed the Rheinhotel, which Elke told me, that Hitler used to go there. Once in Rhondorf (which took about  an hour biking), we stopped at the Arp Museum. We will be going back later in a couple of weeks, though because a Claude Monet exhibit will be there. The little bit of the Museum I did see was incredible and there was a lot of really wonderful modern style art. After that, we walked up a very steep and old cobblestone path through a vine-wrapped forrest to the Rolandsbogan ruin, which is the last remnants of a Medieval Castles, with the last of what remains is a stone archway. We stopped for a Fanta and cappuccino and headed back. For 18:00 I met Elke’s friend Susanna at her apartment, because she said she would go with me to this 60’s United concert in Endinich at the Harmonie (where Elke had gone for a bite to eat one other night.) This place I see now, is absolutely wonderful and they have many different people play there, for such a small place. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Dana Fuchs’ picture (See picture) signed on the wall! (For those who do not know, she plays Prudence in Across the Universe, the women with the phenomenal voice). Lots of folks were dressed up for the occasion, but I was definitely the youngest one there. We made sure we went early to check out the “Hippy Market” and there I am so happy to announce, bought Janis Joplin, Pearl vinyl album! The band was all from the Bonn area, but they played all the classics, and man, they did an outstanding job!! Outstanding! They played the numbers so perfectly including: Roll Over Beethoven, Hey Jude, With A Little Help From My Friends (Joe Cocker version), Hey Joe, Black Magic Woman, Wild Thing, You Really Got Me, My Generation. The whole band was incredible, well, they were playing Santanna and Jimi Hendrix perfectly. There commentating of coarse I couldn’t understand but that didn’t really matter, it was the music that was important. It was just so wonderful hearing all these outstanding songs live and played by really talented musicians! PEACE 
Sixties United, The Harmonie

Dana Fuchs


  1. Your Doing a good job on the blog Karli! Nice to see that your having fun too. Very nice travel blog you have started. I'm excited to see more.

    (ps you should totally do a german word of the day!)

  2. Thanks!
    I've never done something like this, but I'm having fun!
    i've never been one to keep a diary, but I love this, even a bit exhauting :P
    Thanks for the perfect idea Kels :)
