Monday, 28 March 2011

A day to travel back in time

New Acquaintences

Friday March 25: Es ist Freitag und am Wochenende. Ohh, I forgot to mention, the concert on Thurseday, was being filmed by German Television so that was pretty sweet, and like in May, it will be airing. We had another little test again. After class, I biked to Elke’s and she had friends over so we had lunch and then I went back home. One of the shy Chinese housemates (they all are) had asked if I wanted to join them with a few of his friends from his class and as well on their little soccer team, in the back yard that evening. I agreed. But it was funny because a couple hours before, they knocked on my door and asked if I could help them pick out food to buy. And they really didn’t know what all they should by.  So they followed me around the grocery store as we chose the essentials as pizza, wings, crackers, chips, candy, chips. There were 8 of us, and everyone was either Korean or Chinese except myself and one guy from Kenya and they were already at a much higher level in German (except one Korean from my class) and knew very minimal English so I just kept myself preoccupied with making food, picking music and climbing a tree which pretty much scared the Scheiße  out of them.  One guy is hear in hopes to be  a soccer coach. Most of the others are looking to get their Masters here. They didn’t stay that long; they’re much of the party animal type :p .

I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

 Saturday March 26:  Today took the train to Koln (Cologne) to Julia’s. Her and her apartment neighbour was having a 30th Birthday and it was 80’s Themed so we got all dressed up for it and made food. It was awesome because everyone got very into dressing up, and some people went all out and wore the real thing with the big padded shoulders and the big poofed hair pushed to the side. The place where they had it was in the downstairs of this old pub. And ohh my! I’ve seen such an incredible place!  There was a Dirty Harry pinball machine, a wall of a Pulp Fiction and the room me had was all sailor/ pirate decked out so it was exactly like you were on a boat! It was incredible! It was original sails hung around it, oil lamps, sweet old furniture, even a painting of this picture I know picture because my Opa had painted the same one and...even came with this old bowling alley down the middle! I didn’t really care that I couldn’t really be part of conversation, I was just happy to be there. A few people and I did most of the dancing for the evening to of coarse 80’s music.  His friends bought his the awesome of awesomest present ever; and electric drum set!!! I cannot wait to see it next when they have it all set up!    
The Same Drawing My Opa Painted!

Dirty Harry! GO Ahead, Make My Day

Pulp Fiction

Land Ho!

Sunday March 27: I went back to Bonn in good time because Elke and I had planned to go to the museum. The collection focuses on Expressionism and  of contemporary and modern art, which included works by Arp, Beckmann, Munch, Kirchner, Warhol, etc. Yoko Ono even had a piece there; footage called The Fly. I have to admit I don’t really understand her art. But she had said that this was one of the most beautiful museums. It was commissioned by German entrepreneur Rudolf-August Oetker (like Dr. Oetker). We watched for a bit these really cool short videos. One had old clips of men and women in film and mirrors with eerie music in the back ground. It at times made you feel uncomfortable but thats whats so great about it, and the fact you could see old famous actors. I think my favourite piece was Dame und Tasch by Konrad Leug, artwise. Later in the day, Elke and I went to this church in Kessenich-Bonn because Joseph Hayden’s composition Stabat Mater  was playing there. It was so beautiful. I don’t believe  I’ve actually seem operatic pieces  before. There was orchestra, a large choir, and  Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass singers. They sang it in Latin. The acoustics in there were very nice and the ceiling was incredibly high. Unfortunately the church itself wasn’t old and grand but it still still did the job! I was very  glad I went to that.
Dame und Tasch by Konrad Leug

Monday March 28 : Word of the day is treffen which means both to meet and also to hit or punch. We were confused by that because we were all like, how  would you said Am Wochende treffen ic h meine Freunde. (This weekend I insert word my friend.)
Today was sunny but cooler because it was windy. I sat outside and did homework, then for a bit went over to Elke and alphabetized my records.

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