Friday, 1 April 2011

I want Sun!

Tuesday March 29:  Word(s) of the day are nich/nicht (no/not) because we were saying it and PING, The Knights Who Say “Ni!”  (The Holy Grail)! It sounded exactly like that! I said it outloud, but the women from UK was the only one who really laughed.

Scouting for Girls

 After class and grabbing a bit to eat, I headed to Cologne to Julia’s because she was taking me to a concert of a band she loves! Scouting for Girls is a band from the UK. Some of the songs include: Famous, This Ain’t A Love Song, I Wish I Was James Bond, The Airplane Song, and Elvis Ain’t Dead.  And as you can see even from the titles, they are very fun-loving, happy go-lucky, like the James Bond and Elvis one. I found that quite amusing because, you don’t normally hear songs talking about stars. The concert was great; in a smaller place called the Gloria Theater (people like M.I.A., Oasis and Pink have been there; Lykke Li  is actually coming there on the 11th of April) with red walls and nice lights and disco balls. It was also great because Philipp and In Zair came too (Julia’s neighbours). I love when we’re all together; I manage to laugh a lot when I’m around the four of them, so I guess that’s a good sign that they’re awesome. Nadine had to work, so she couldn’t come.  The opening band was Oh, Napoleon, a German pop/indie band, but sing in English. The singer is female, the rest of the band are men.  I like them already, because they use Napoleon as their name, and their album cover even has Bonaparte’s hat on it. Scouting for Girls was great too, due to their fun music (Hey, I want to sing,” I want to be James Bond”), and the songs, you could relate to in some way; a common feeling that anyone could understand. As well, it was amusing to see how into the German crowd was.  After back, at midnight they surprised Julia with cake and presents because it was then her birthday! Excellent cake Nadine! Oh, I also got to quickly try out Philipp’s new electric drum set! I love the idea (in my persective) because you have the availability to be silent and put on your headset so no one can hear you as you practice; in my case that would be perfect because that’s my problem, with not liking other people here me.  It has three cymbals, a hi-hat pad and pedal, three toms, a snare and bass drum!

Wednesday March 30:  Tenses and putting sentences in the right order are getting really confusing. Infinitiv, Nominativ, Akkusativ, different forms, rules and tenses.  As it is Julia’s Birthday today, I went again to Elke’s and Julia and Nadine, and Alexander (Julia’s Bruder, brother) came over and we had delicious cake and dinner of tradition, dumpling, Sauerbraten, and Birnen (pears), and Rotegruetz with vanilla custard for dessert (my absolute favourite, besides marzipan)! It hurt to bike home because I was so full.
Thursday March 31:  It poured while biking home. Not the most pleasant. My second class book was ordered in. We should be starting in on Monday.

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